
Flight Booking WebSite

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Flight Booking WebSite

Making a flight searching and booking website using JSPs and SQL databases

This project consists of two main components: a front-end client side consisting of dynamic webs and a back-end relational database to serve as a flight booking and managing website. Within the front-end side, customers are able to search for one-way, round-trip, and multi-city flights and book these flights. Manager and customer representatives are able manage flights and perform a variety of different tasks through a separate login portal. They can also generate reports with the use of drop down menus and date ranges.

To start the project, I focused on the desired functionality of the interface to come up with an ideal entity relation diagram and translated these thoughts into code. The front-end side was very interesting to me because it was one of the first times I design an interface that's so close to a direct consumer and it really made me think of ways to idealize the look and process of the flight booking process to be convenient and safe for the customer.

Feel free to see/download my code on GitHub and check out the Flight Booking Website for yourself
