
Capstone Design Project

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Capstone Design Project

Designing and creating a training device for youth baseball players to perfect their swing

Me and my team are working on designing and fabricating a baseball swing improvement device catered towards youth baseball players. This group of players between ages 5 and 13 have a high learning rate and big room for improvement especially in swing form and technique. Using this to our advantage, we defined a set of design objectives that we will require from our design:

           (1) Enforce the “shine the light” technique to prevent casting of the bat
           (2) Provide instant (auditory) feedback of the moment at which bat velocity peaks
           (3) Provide a set of metrics which the batter can use to track progress.
                      (i) time between contact and highest bat velocity
                      (ii) max velocity and acceleration of bat
                      (iii) batting angle at contact

To get a more in depth perspective of our project and design solution, feel free to take a look at our Critical Design Report
